

From observations to resilience: Unlocking NGO potential for effective weather, water and climate services

Weather, water and climate services (WWCS) play a crucial role in climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR). The publication is the product of a learning journey by the Swiss NGO DRR Platform. You will find guidance for the design and implementation of WWCS projects, case studies and answers to FAQ.

Introduction Training Course: Risk-informed and Climate-resilient Development

This two-part video training course developed by the Swiss NGO DRR Platform is an introduction to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction programming. It supports practitioners in systematically incorporating climate and disaster risks into projects and programs, promoting risk-informed and climate-resilient development.


 Climate Projections in Project Design: Getting started 

This factsheet identifies key sources of climate projections, and provides development practitioners with guidance on how to use these projections in project planning and implementation.


10 years of action

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform celebrates its 10th anniversary, having conducted its constitutional meeting on 9 September 2011. Watch the video for the highlights of the first ten years. Scroll down the timeline of the infographic to discover the most important events and publications. Inform yourself in more detail by hovering over the individual elements.


Synthesis of evaluations – DRR in a post-disaster context

The report highlights the findings of a synthesis of evaluations on the effectiveness and sustainability of disaster risk reduction interventions in a post-disaster context. The information brief contains a 2-page summary of the report with a focus on key messages.

Acquisition of satellite-based meteorological data

Generation of meteorologic data such as precipitation, temperature and soil moisture in remote areas without ground measuring stations.

Drone-supported hazard and risk analysis

Generation of aerial imagery and 3D-Terrain Models to determine hazard prone areas and monitor project progress.


DRR and CCA Indicator Toolbox

The toolbox contains an excel-based set of 12 outcomes and 70 related indicators that are formulated in a generic way and guidelines providing step-by-step guidance. The indicators are complemented by a description, references to numerator / denominator, target values, means of verification and additional remarks. For each outcome, at least one standard indicator is proposed which comprises additional guidance for data collection and analysis. The toolbox can be used online and offline.

DRR / CCA Mainstreaming Guidance – with an Overview of Key Tools

This guide supports NGO practitioners to mainstream DRR/CCA in development and humanitarian aid initiatives. Besides the principles for DRR/CCA mainstreaming, the guide support to identify appropriate tools, based on selected criteria and contains a descriptive of advantages and challenges of the main tools.

Towards Climate and Disaster resilient Development – A Packing List for your Advocacy Journey

This resource helps to structure planned advocacy initiatives in the domains of risk reduction and climate change. Developed jointly with the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR).

Evaluation of existing Cost-Benefit Analysis Tools

The report provides a thematic introduction and evaluates a set of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) tools used by the Platform member organisation. The decision tree is a quick and dirty exercise to determine which of the evaluated CBA tools is suitable for a given context.

Inclusive DRR Hands-on Tool

A downloadable progressive web app as a step-by-step practical guidance on inclusive disaster risk reduction field work, broken down into individual task cards, which explain the basic details in simple language and images.


Facing Climate Change

A website consisting of a series of personalised video stories to convey the human story of climate change and the challenges it brings to the billions of poor people and most vulnerable of the world.


E-Learning Course “Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation”

The e- course collects experienced based learning/training material from various years and events. It consists of four modules in the form of power point presentations ready for download and is available online for free as a self-study tool for practitioners.

where people and their land are safer – A Compendium of Good Practices in Disaster Risk Reduction

Published in collaboration with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) from the University of Berne, the compendium links the concepts of sustainable land management and disaster risk reduction to identify synergies and common entry points towards resilience. It relies on the WOCAT-methodology (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) and documents 44 case studies from 13 countries.

Collaboration Statement for “Views from the Frontline”

In cooperation with the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR).

Évaluation post-Matthew de l’efficacité GRD

The report highlights the findings of a post-disaster assessment of the effectiveness of disaster risk reduction interventions implemented by four different Platform member organisations. The information brief contains a 2-page summary of the report with a focus on key messages.


Briefing Note DRR-CCA-Resilience

The briefing note provides the basics in terms of the relevance and basic terms and concepts of DRR, CCA and resilience including the most important international frameworks.


Joint Risk Assessment Post-Earthquake, Nepal

A desk study undertaken by the Swiss NGO DRR Platform following the 2015 earthquakes with the intention to provide Swiss NGOs active in recovery and reconstruction updated relevant information on the disaster risk management system and existing DRR flagship programmes in Nepal.

Community Resilience Framework – Lessons from the Field

A guidance on community resilience based on a framework developed by the Swiss NGO DRR Platform. Tested and piloted in five countries, it capitalises on local knowledge and experience and provides important insights on how those most at risk build resilience.

Joint Risk Assessment for Borana, Ethiopia

A desk study and reality check on the ground to inform Swiss NGOs active in Ethiopia about hazards, vulnerability, capacities and gaps at the national and Borana Woreda level, with the aim to enhance project planning and implementation in line with national policies and agencies active on the ground.


Joint Risk Assessment Post-Haiyan, Philippines

A desk study conducted by the Swiss NGO DRR Platform following Typhoon Haiyan aiming to inform Swiss NGOs engaged in recovery on the disaster risk reduction and management system of the Philippines including its challenges and the first lessons learnt from the typhoon response.


DRR Peer Review – Implementing, Learning, Advocating

The publication summarises the experience and some good practices of Swiss NGOs in terms of reducing disaster risks and adapting to climate change, identified through a peer review, using online survey, a review of the outcomes of some DRR programmes and peer learning workshop with local and national partners.