
The Swiss NGO DRR Platform is open to organisations that are based in Switzerland or implementing partners of Swiss-based organisations, working on not-for-profit and non-proselytising basis and active or interested in DRR and CCA.  

The platform consists of the following member organisations: 

Swiss Red Cross is a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, active in Switzerland and in 25 partner countries in development cooperation and humanitarian aid. The work abroad aims at healthy people living in resilient communities. Disaster risk reduction is a core component comprising all major elements, supporting local disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation, and ensuring that DRR is embedded in sub-national and national disaster management policies and structures. DRR is implemented either through specific community based DRM projects or integrated into development and recovery programmes intending to strengthen resilience.

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation is engaged in development and cooperation projects in 30 partner countries aiming at sustainable and resilient development. Thereby Disaster Risk Management (DRM) is a key topic, which we address through explicit DRM-projects (targeted) and the integration of DRM as cross-cutting topic (mainstreaming) contributing to the projects’ sustainability. Our interventions are based on participatory risk assessments – where also key aspects of Climate Change and Natural Resources are considered – in order to define appropriate measures of the risk management cycle, aiming at increased resilience of people’s livelihoods assets. Further, DRM considerations help to strengthen the nexus towards development in contexts of Humanitarian response interventions.

In over 15 countries, Caritas Switzerland is committed to work towards a world without poverty, governed by solidarity, equity and peace. The organisation supports the most vulnerable people, providing emergency relief as well as long-term development support. In a context of uncertainty and climate change, Disaster Risk Reduction is a key approach to building resilience and strengthening capacities of those most at risk. 

HEKS/EPER initiates and supports development cooperation projects to combat poverty and injustice in over 30 countries on four continents. HEKS/EPER also provides humanitarian aid worldwide for the victims of disasters and armed conflicts and supports church-based diaconal work in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Building resilience to climate and disaster risk is a core topic of  HEKS/EPER. Building on the experiences and knowledge of the beneficiary communities in mitigating and preparing for shocks as well as adapting to long-term stresses, HEKS/EPER develops locally adapted strategies to reduce climate and disaster risk and to strengthen the resilience of its beneficiary communities. In Switzerland and worldwide HEKS is advocating for Climate Justice.

Zoï Environment Network (Zoï) is a Swiss non-profit organization that provides analysis and training, policy dialogue and communication services to governments, international organizations and NGOs. We focus on climate change, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, water and waste management, security and conflict, and access to information. Zoï has long-standing experience in producing visual and easy-to-understand knowledge products related to climate change and in supporting capacity-building and training for sustainable development. We provide support to global environmental processes, while at the country and regional levels we focus on Central Asia, Caucasus, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

World Vision Switzerland  is a child-focused, legally autonomous and independent Swiss Foundation. As member of the global World Vision Network with large experience in advocacy, development cooperation and emergency aid we closely cooperate with local and international partners. Thanks to our global presence and ties to local communities we can provide immediate and efficient emergency aid and disaster relief. We also promote risk-informed, long-term development and apply proven project models such as Community-based Disaster Risk Management, Comprehensive School Safety, Farmer-managed natural Regeneration (FMNR) and Conservation Agriculture.

Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM) is an international Christian development organization committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. CBM, together with its local partners, implements DRR projects in disaster-prone countries in Africa and East Asia and advocates for disability inclusive DRR in international development policy.

Vivamos Mejor is a Swiss foundation engaged in long-term international cooperation in Latin America. In case of natural disasters in our project regions, humanitarian aid is also provided. Vivamos works with two thematic programmes in the fields of water and preschool and professional education. Within the water programme, DRR and Climate Change Adaptation are key topics, which are addressed through integrated watershed management, rainwater-harvesting and climate resilient agricultural practices.

SWISSAID is active in international development cooperation, committed to improving the living conditions and future opportunities of peasants and rural populations in nine countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Investing in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation on the ground is essential in this endeavor. SWISSAID builds on agroecology and gender equality as key entry points, strengthening the communities’ own social, ecological and economic resources to be able to deal with the fundamental changes. Supporting the resilience of rural populations is also at the heart of the SUFOSEC alliance established in 2020, of which SWISSAID is a founding member.

Medair helps people who are suffering in remote and devastated communities around the world survive crisis, recover with dignity, and develop skills to build a better future.Across our programmes Medair employs a Disaster Risk Management (DRM) approach for which the main goal is to reduce community vulnerability to hazards through appropriate programmes that the community participates in and owns.

INNOVABRIDGE is a not-for-profit Swiss consulting foundation committed to innovative solutions in international development. In its advisory and project implementing functions, the INNOVABRIDGE Foundation is committed to work for the integration of issues of disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change into the mainstream of human and economic activity. This is applicable to all working areas: economic development, governance and rule of law, and agriculture and natural resources. We are prepared to network with like-minded organizations.

Save the Children is the largest independent children’s rights organization. Our work has a large DRR program, focused on school safety and urban resilience, particularly in informal settlements and slums. This includes project implementation, achieving collective impact, increasing knowledge, and advocating globally through active membership with Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction & Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES). To increase knowledge and global coordination on child-centred risk reduction, we published a research collection and co-facilitate the Safe Children, Safe Schools Community. We also co-founded a collaborative network of organizations to advance the global urban agenda for better cities for children and youth.

SolidarMed improves health care for 2.5 million people in Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We strengthen existing medical facilities and train local health personnel. Our projects are developed in close collaboration with local partners such as hospitals, health centres and health authorities, supported by our health experts on site. Our intervention countries are amongst the most vulnerable to climate change. We are therefore committed to include climate change adaptative and mitigating initiatives in our project development and implementation.

TearFund Switzerland is a Christian organisation engaged in Development Cooperation and Disaster Relief and aims at empowering families and communities to live a life in dignity and safety. TearFund Switzerland promotes self-reliance through education, primary health care and sustainable livelihood development in Africa, Asia and South America. TearFund Switzerland is in process of mainstreaming DRR in its projects in order to strengthen the resilience of families.

Solidar Suisse is committed to achieving a socially, politically and economically just society.In 14 countries of the global South and in south-eastern Europe, Solidar works with partner organisations in around 50 projects and in humanitarian aid. Disaster risk management forms an integral part of participatory local development projects and it is especially addressed in DRR focused projects

Terre des hommes works to enable children to grow up and develop in a safe environment. We improve living conditions of the most vulnerable children in 40 countries. Beyond designing  infrastructure to resist natural hazards, Terre des hommes improves the resilience of children and their families living on flood prone area. We use geographic information systems and open source online platforms to record and model data and help communities prepare contingency plans and risk mitigation projects.

ADRA Switzerland, Adventist development and relief agency, helps people in need around the world, independent of their religion, ethnicity, political view or gender. Its geographical focus lies in Africa and Asia, with smaller projects in Switzerland. ADRA Switzerland is part of aworldwide network which encompasses offices in 126 countries and 6 regional offices and works mainly in education, livelihood and humanitarian aid (34% of its projects). The annual turnover is about 2 to 3 million Swiss Francs. Currently 7 staff work for ADRA Switzerland which is based in Zurich Oerlikon.

Handicap International (HI) is an independent international solidarity association, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside persons with disabilities and vulnerable people. HI is committed to promote the respect of their dignity and their fundamental rights. HI acts and bears witness to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions. For many years, HI has been implementing DRR and CCA projects that protect and empower traditionally excluded groups at higher risk of disaster, including persons with disabilities. HI also works with DRR practitioners and decision-makers to ensure their strategies are inclusive of those most at risk groups.