Field-Day 2024: Risk Assessment Floods
Protect yourself from flooding!
Risk and Cost-Benefit Analysis in practice
Technical methods to define Critical Sites and Risks of flooding. Application of tools to determine the cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures. At the Field-Day you will get answers to the following questions:
- Where are the flood prone areas?
- Are the flood risks in Aeschau acceptable?
- Did Aeschau take the appropriate protective dfmeasures?
- Which are the mitigation measures with the best cost-benefit ratio?
Sound programming in climate and disaster risk management relies on having solid assessment data. Hazard and risk assessments based on historical profiles and primary data collection with concerned stakeholders continue to play an essential role, but more robust, technical assessments complementing the community-based approach are on increasing demand.
The Field-Day 2024 is part of the Learning Journey Risk Assessment, complementing the 5 webinar modules conducted in the first half of 2024 and building on the Learning Journey Hazard Assessment that took place in 2023. Participants will enhance their capacity on how to conduct hazard, risk and cost-benefit analysis.
The field-day is aimed at staff working in Climate and Disaster Risk Management in programme countries as well as in head offices (in Switzerland and elsewhere). It is primarily geared towards staff of member organisations of the Swiss NGO DRR Platform as well as the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, but open to interested persons from non-member organisations.
Programme Elements
- Recording of critical sites and definition of protection goals
- Calculation of flood discharges and hazard mapping
- Risk calculation, on the basis of the web-GIS tool MiResiliencia, that can be downloaded from the SRC website Hazard and Risk Guidelines. Alternatively, you may use the excel for cost-benefit analysis that can be downloaded from the same site.
- Cost-benefit analyses of planned protection measures, comparing the expected risk reduction through the measure with the costs of the measure
For details, see the programme.
Please note that we will conduct the field-day only if the weather allows for it. If heavy or long-lasting rain is forecasted, we will postpone the event. We will inform all registered participants with a confirmation email on the 28th August. An alternative date will be looked for September.
Presenter and facilitator
Georg Heim, Head of Water Engineering for Emmental Region, former SRC DRR Advisor
Further information: /
Please register until July 5th 2024.