F2F Workshop 2017: Grey, green or hybrid? The Potential of nature-based Solutions for DRR
So-called grey solutions; conventional civil engineering infrastructure for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) are often used to mitigate disaster impacts and protect people and assets. Nature-based solutions, on the other hand, refer to solutions using nature and its ecosystems services, which can complement or even replace grey measures as they are increasingly recognized as being more sustainable, providing tangible co-benefits and building more resilient systems.
In 2016 and 2017, members and partners of the Swiss NGO DRR Platform have documented over 30 good DRR practices worldwide, applying standardized procedures from WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies). The core of this good practice collection forms Eco-DRR measures, which, in other words, are nature-based solutions for DRR.
This face-to-face (F2F) event will draw on existing knowledge and experience of experts in Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and DRR to illustrate the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions for risk reduction, which yield co-benefits for agriculture, land management and water resources. The workshop participants will explore new options to assess and evaluate the pros and cons of nature-based solutions in comparison with grey and hybrid options, and lastly to support the related policy and decision-making.
Presentations Day 1
Presentations Day 2
Public Day
Video: Harvesting rainwater with rock catchments in Kenya
Video: Presentation Tatiana Fedotova, WBCSD