
The Swiss NGO DRR Platform organises 1-day learning events, annual F2F workshops and webinars addressed to DRR and CCA practitioners of member organisations and other interested institutions. 

No upcoming events

Past events


Weather Water Climate Services: Training for NGO practitioners and multiplicators

As follow up of the learning days and annual event 2024, a deep dive and training of trainers is organized to further spread and deepen knowledge on specific approaches and tools, focussing on the use of global weather information services as meteoblue and the PICSA approach.

21. – 23. January 2025
WWCS Training of Trainers, on-site, meteoblue, Base


Webinar: demystifying Data Disaggregation and how it can practically improve Disaster Risk Reduction programming

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform invites you to a webinar on what data disaggregation is about, why it is important and how it can improve DRR interventions. Find Zoom invitation and further details on programme and resource persons on the flyer linked below.

10. December 2024
Webinar, 09.00h - 10.15h CET

Field-Day 2024: Risk Assessment Floods

Protect yourself from flooding! ​Risk Assessment in practice. Technical methods to define Critical Sites and Risks of flooding. Application of tools to determine the cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures. 

29. – 30. August 2024
Field Day 2024, near Langnau, in the Emmental Valley, 29.8.2024, 18.55h - 30.8.2024, 17.50h

Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG) Training for SDC and Swiss NGOs – a 2 day face-to-face training

SDC offers a 2-day workshop for its staff and members of the Swiss NGO DRR Platform to strengthen capacities on CDE mainstreaming, working hands-on with the CEDRIG tool.  

7. – 8. May 2024
2 day face to face CEDRIG Training for SDC and NGOs, EPA-Trainingsräume, Berne

Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment Part two

Part two: Risk Assessment, March – May 2024

Enhance the capacity of practitioners on how to independently conduct a hazard and risk assessment, including how to retrieve airborne data, and determine the cost-benefit ratio of a DRR measure.

6. March 2024
Module 1: Introduction to risk assessment, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CE(S)T
20. March 2024
Module 2: Quantitative risk assessment and CBA concept, Webinar 13.00h-15.00h CE(S)T
17. April 2024
Module 3: Quantitative risk assessment and CBA practice, Webinar 13.00h-15.00h CE(S)T
15. May 2024
Module 4: GIS - data generation, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CE(S)T
29. May 2024
Module 5: GIS - data analysis and visualisation, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CE(S)T


Field-Day 2023​: Hazard Assessment Floods

Protect yourself from flooding! Hazard analysis in practice.

7. – 8. September 2023
Field Day 2023, near Langnau in the Emmental Valley, 7.9.2023, 18.00h - 8.9.2023, 17.00h

Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment Part one

Part one: Hazard Assessment, March – June 2023.

Enhance the capacity of practitioners on how to independently conduct a hazard and risk assessment, including how to retrieve airborne data, and determine the cost-benefit ratio of a DRR measure.

8. March 2023
Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment, Module 1: Introduction to hazard assessment, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CET
12. April 2023
Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment, Module 2: Acquisition of satellite-based data, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CET
26. April 2023
Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment, Module 3: Hazard assessment flood, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CEST
3. May 2023
Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment, Module 4: Use of drones, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CEST
24. May 2023
Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment, Module 5: Hazard Mapping Flood - Hazard Assessment in Programming, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CEST
14. June 2023
Learning Journey Hazard and Risk Assessment, Module 6: Hazard assessment landslide, Webinar, 13.00h-15.00h CEST


Annual Event 2022: Integrating uncertainty – risk-informed and climate-resilient programming in international cooperation

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform invites to the annual F2F event about how to integrate climate and disaster risk into programmes and projects, across different thematic sectors … and much more

7. – 9. December 2022
Annual Event 2022: Practitioner’s Workshop, online and Welle 7, Bern (third day only), 7.12.2022. 12.30h - 9.12.2022 15.30h CET
9. December 2022
Annual Event 2022: Public event, online and Welle 7, Bern, 16.15h-17.45h CET

Webinar: Climate Projections for Project Design 

The goal of this webinar by the Swiss NGO DRR Platform is to provide an overview of how to find sources for climate projections, encourage participants to access and use this information to climate-proof projects, provide first insights on how to apply climate projections at programming/project planning level, and start a discussion and sharing between participants on good examples, challenges and areas where further support is needed.

20. September 2022
Webinar: Climate Projections for Project Design, 13:00–14:30 CEST

Webinar: From Participatory Biodiversity and Climate Monitoring to Modelling – Assessing Bio-Indicators for Nature-based Solutions

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform invites you to a webinar on “Assessing Biodiversity and other Bio-Indicators for Nature-based Solutions”

24. August 2022
Webinar: From Participatory Biodiversity and Climate Monitoring to Modelling, 16:00-17:30 CEST

Webinar: IPCC AR 6 – Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

The Swiss NGO Platform is gladly informing you about the second webinar on the current IPCC Assessment Report Cycle VI.

22. March 2022
Webinar: IPCC AR 6 - WG II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, 12:15 – 1:45pm (CET)


Learning Event: Same Disaster – different Effects – different Strategies. Gender Issues and the Position of Women in Climate and Disaster Resilience

Invitation to a Learning Event
hosted by the SDC and Swiss NGO DRR Networks

24. – 25. November 2021
2 Day Learning Event, Bern

Webinar: Climate Finance 2021 – Introduction to the German International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Climate Finance is becoming increasingly relevant for Swiss NGO working on Climate change and DRR as additional financing source. The Climate Finance Webinar Series supports NGOs to better understand the current climate finance landscape and access criteria of different climate funds.

26. October 2021
Webinar, online 13h-14h15 CET​

Learning Event:​ Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in Agriculture: ​ Facts, risks and risk reduction measures ​

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform invites to a Learning Event with a focus on Disaster Risk reduction (DRR) to enhance capacities of practitioners with respect to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in Agriculture.

11. October 2021
Learning Event, Bern

Webinar: The IPCC AR6 –The physical science basis

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform invites for a webinar with Prof. Sonia I. Seneviratne, coordinating lead author of the 6thassessment report of the IPCC, on the major headlines of the report.

8. October 2021
Webinar, online 12-1 pm CEST

Field Day: Valais

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform invites to a field day in Valais for insights into measures and approaches on forest and water management that are addressing climate and disaster risks as well as biodiversity loss.

24. September 2021
Field Day, Valais

Webinar: Nature-based Solutions – The IUCN Global Standard for NbS

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform has invited Verónica Ruiz (Nature-based Solutions Programme Officer, IUCN) to go through the conceptual foundation of NbS, to discuss how NbS can be used for DRR, and provide insight into the IUCN Global Standard for NbSTM

5. July 2021
Webinar, 10:00 – 11:45 (CEST)

Annual Event 2021: The Role of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Humanitarian-Development Nexus

Linking concepts, connecting stakeholders, strengthening resilience

29. – 31. March 2021
Virtual practitioner workshop 8.30 am - 12 pm
8. April 2021
Virtual Public Discussion 16.00 – 17.30h


Webinar: Effective Advocacy for DRR and CCA

21. January 2020
Webinar, 13:00-14:00 GMT


Learning Event: Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD)

4. March 2019
Learning Event Berne


F2F Workshop 2018: Advocacy for Disaster and Climate resilient Development Pathways

Background What are people’s stories behind disasters and climate change and how to tell them to decision makers? Climate change and disasters count as key impediments to sustainable development with the brunt still borne by the most vulnerable in the global South. On the other hand, appropriate climate and disaster risk management can unlock social […]

26. – 28. November 2018
Practitioners workshop, Spiez
28. November 2018
Public Day, Berne

Learning Event: DRR and Education

16. May 2018

Webinar: DRR and CCA Basics for Mainstreaming

27. March 2018
2 pm


F2F Workshop 2017: Grey, green or hybrid? The Potential of nature-based Solutions for DRR

Background So-called grey solutions; conventional civil engineering infrastructure for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) are often used to mitigate disaster impacts and protect people and assets. Nature-based solutions, on the other hand, refer to solutions using nature and its ecosystems services, which can complement or even replace grey measures as they are increasingly recognized as being more […]

6. – 7. December 2017
Workshop, Spiez
8. December 2017
Public Day, Berne

Webinar: DRR and CCA Basics for Mainstreaming

30. November 2017
11:00-12:30 (CET)

Learning Event: Urban DRR

9. October 2017

Learning Event: Making Climate Change tangible for strategic Adaptation Planning – The Climate Corridor Approach

29. June 2017


F2F Workshop 2016: Urban DRR

Background Urban disaster risk reduction and resilience building are becoming increasingly relevant as already more than 50% of the global population resides in cities and urbanization particularly in mid-sized cities of Africa and Asia is on the rise. While offering a broad spectre of opportunities, urbanization also comes along with often unplanned city development which […]

6. – 8. December 2016
Thun and Berne


F2F Workshop 2015: Integrated Flood Management: Acting locally, linking beyond

Background Water-related disasters – mainly floods – account for 90% of all disasters, jeopardizing sustainable development especially in low and middle income countries. Nevertheless floods are manageable; Tools, models, forecasts, structural measures etc. to substantially reduce damages exist but are often not effectively used and incorporated into integrated approaches. The workshop offers water, disaster risk […]

10. – 11. November 2015
Freienhof Thun

Learning Event: DRR & small-scale Agriculture (Adapted Seeds and Varieties)

9. September 2015

Learning Event: DRR in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

7. April 2015


Learning Event: DRR in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

12. February 2014